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PLEASE READ - DC Water Project - Potential Impact ...
Stephen Titus

We just received the below notice from DC Water yesterday (also attached), and not from DC Water, but other parties. I reached out to the public affairs office with concerns and the late notice but have not been able to have a dialogue. Therefore, please be advised there may be an impact to our most upstream dock and our normal launching patterns. If we receive any additional information, we will inform the membership.

The Potomac River Tunnel Project is a major component of the Clean Rivers Project and will reduce the volume of Combined Sewer Overflows to the Potomac River and improve water quality. The Potomac River Tunnel is currently in the planning phase and will not begin construction until 2023.

As part of the overall planning effort for the Potomac River Tunnel, DC Water is performing preliminary subsurface exploration consisting of drilling geotechnical borings and collecting subsurface information to understand the soil, rock, and groundwater conditions along the future project alignment.

Construction activities consist of drilling geotechnical borings and collecting subsurface information in the Potomac River between the Potomac Boat Club and Thompson Boat Center Dock. Boring work will include advancing 9-inch diameter boreholes into the ground and collecting soil and rock samples and in-situ testing.

The drill barge will be moved to the boring location, the week of September 16, 2022, and drilling is scheduled to begin on September 19, 2022. Work hours are between 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM. The work is expected to take 5-8 days at this location.

A drill rig (similar to the one pictured above) will be used on a floating barge during the process. A turbidity curtain will be deployed surrounding the barge to contain all drilling activities. A crew boat will stay with the barge to transport staff to and from the shore, and in case of an emergency evacuation. Borings will be tremie-grouted from the bottom of the borehole to the mudline.

DC Clean Rivers Project field staff will be onsite full-time to closely monitor drilling activities, turbidity levels, and environmental contamination.

The Image Shows the Boring Location Circled in Red.


Public Outreach Officer: Hadiah Jordan,, 202-787-4717

DC Clean Rivers Project Email:

Potomac River Tunnel Project Website:


Andy Galli

Andrew Galli, Public Outreach Coordinator | DC Clean Rivers Project | DC Water |

5000 Overlook Avenue, SW | Washington, DC 20032 | c (202) 751-5417

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Stephen Titus

All - This project has been delayed. DC Water's contractor is targeting mobilization on 9/23. Please stay tuned for further communication.


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