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PBC - Trash Supercan Coordinators
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In support of this effort I will add, as your Safety and Security guy, that it will definitely help with the former- safety. Right now we have a rat problem at PBC and it is in big part because of the cans being filled but no one emptying them. Old food, etc. draws rats inside the house, and rats spread disease. Our House Chairperson, Dale Didion, has been working with an exterminator, but that will only go so far. We need to regularly get the trash out of the house.

Please support Chris and Michael in this mission by volunteering a few minutes of your time. You will be supporting your PBC community and making it a safer and healthier place to be. Thanks,


PS- the first time one of these rats runs across your path, or ignores you while you sit on the bench looking at the beauty of the river, you'll be a true believer. Ewww.

Apologies for the spam, bringing this back up to the top. We’ve only had 1 person firmly volunteer to help out, which leaves vast swaths of time in 2024 where there isn’t a person assigned to take care of this minor task. It therefore falls to the same 3-4 people, which simply is not fair in an all volunteer organization. Please take a look at your respective schedules and see where you can pitch in, thanks.

Good afternoon PBC, 

The club is looking for a trash volunteer coordinator and 5 (or more!) volunteers to help take out/bring in trash bins 4x/week. The work is not dirty and is expected to take around 20 min per week, which will count towards your yearly required volunteer hours. Currently, and for far too long, Lena and Steve take out the trash and ensure that PBC follows DPW Residential Trash Collection rules. We'd like to have some other dedicated members help spread out this responsibility. 

Michael Butler has generously volunteered to cover this important duty for 3 months starting June 10th. I'll put my money where my mouth is and will volunteer to cover the remainder of January but we need others to participate so it doesn't fall on the same couple of folks. I'm at the boathouse frequently so if you see me, please stop and say hi, and I'd love to walk you through how easy (but vital!) of a volunteer assignment this actually is. 

The signup link below is geared towards having individuals commit to a full week and the 4x of moving the supercans in/out simply for ease of coordination. I've also opened 2 slots/week so we can try to have backups, as this commitment needs to be done every single shift, no exceptions. If you can only do one day at a time or something similar, reach out and we'll work it out. Thanks for your consideration, really appreciate it. 

Here is the link for the sign up:

Please reach out to Chris Dopita ( for more information.

Good afternoon PBC, 

The club is looking for a trash volunteer coordinator and 5 (or more!) volunteers to help take out/bring in trash bins 4x/week. The work is not dirty and is expected to take around 20 min per week, which will count towards your yearly required volunteer hours. Currently, and for far too long, Lena and Steve take out the trash and ensure that PBC follows DPW Residential Trash Collection rules. We'd like to have some other dedicated members help spread out this responsibility.

Michael Butler has generously volunteered to cover this important duty for 3 months starting June 10th. I'll put my money where my mouth is and will volunteer to cover the remainder of January but we need others to participate so it doesn't fall on the same couple of folks. I'm at the boathouse frequently so if you see me, please stop and say hi, and I'd love to walk you through how easy (but vital!) of a volunteer assignment this actually is.

The signup link below is geared towards having individuals commit to a full week and the 4x of moving the supercans in/out simply for ease of coordination. I've also opened 2 slots/week so we can try to have backups, as this commitment needs to be done every single shift, no exceptions. If you can only do one day at a time or something similar, reach out and we'll work it out. Thanks for your consideration, really appreciate it.

Here is the link for the sign up:

Please reach out to Ghada Hallal ( or Chris Dopita ( for more information.

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