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Youth Summer Nationals Update (and more)
Carol Dinion

Hello Everyone,

This update on the junior performance at summer nationals as well as PBC member success at the national level was inspired by Rick!

First off - major props to Lauren Benedict for making the U23 World Championship 4x (selection was in OKC) and the boat is coached by our Reilly Dampeer! Also on the U23 squad Kathleen Love (Yes, Greg's daughter!) is stroking that lightweight 4x out of Conshohoken.. To top all that national level Sophia Luis (former PBC U23 and Audrey Boersen, former PBC HPP. These two gals are joined by two other athletes are being coaching by Sean Hall (another alum). Congratulations to all!

The junior squad arrived in Oak Ridge, TN Thursday afternoon ready to race. We have 30 athletes entered in 20 events. The competition is fierce down here (Ie 57 U19 women's 2x's in the field). Our kids have represented PBC incredibly well.

Eleven boats have advanced to semifinals out of time trials, including a fun composite Penn AC / PBC U17 men's 8 known as Pennomic.

We are excited about the following boats advancing with some have a strong chance at the final and medal stand.

Women's U17 1x Julie Davis 6th out of 36

Women's U17 1x Ella Dowley - 9th out of 35

Men's Youth 4x Saul Meachum, Wynant Hubbard, Jake Edelstein, and Jake Hensley - 18th out of 30

Men's Youth 4x Henry Bedel, Max Blackstein, Decker Moy-Jacobs and Mason Sibley - 7th out of 30

Women's Youth 2x Gabriella Griffin and Linnea Darius - 15th out of 55

Women's U17 4x Julie Davis, Ella Dowley, Delilah Frey and Julianna Dunn - 6th out of 16

Women's Youth 4- Linnea Darius, Nora Hemsley, Megan Helge, and Kira Moss - 8th out of 15

Men's U17 1x - Tony Madigan, 12th out of 43 (Yes, our very own Madigan's son!)

Men's Youth 2x Henry Bedell and Mason Sibely 9th out of 46

Women's Youth 4x - Nora Hemsley, Gabriella Griffin, Tata Toure and Kira Moss - 6th out of 31

Men's U17 8+ composite finished 6th to go straight to final.

There were some very near misses and lots of mishaps (as happens). Jean Glowacki was 13th and top 12 advance, Women's youth 4x B quad was 19th and top 18 advance and the U17 men's 4x was 13th with top 12 advancing.

Semifinals are tomorrow and finals on Sunday!

Have a great weekend Carol and John

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