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Four Oar Rule Lifted

Float Captain | Published on 3/20/2022

Based on current conditions, the four oar rule is no longer in effect starting today, 20 March 2022. Per the PBC Safe Boating Recommendations, the conditions that must be met for winter rowing rules to be lifted are that the water temperature must be above 50F for four days in a row (this condition was met yesterday) accompanied by prospects for high and low ambient temperature of 60F and 40F, respectively.


Additionally, the fleet of club singles and pairs are no longer grounded.


As a reminder to all rowers: as we return to the river, following the generally accepted traffic pattern shown on the Potomac River Safety Committee's website will be the best way to ensure all members minimize the risk of collision during our rows. Please be sure to check your point often to visually locate moving and fixed hazards to navigation and ensure you're on the correct side of the river.


Also worth noting: it's currently shad season on the river, which means fishermen will be flying up the river at high speeds in the morning. If a fisherman is throwing up a wake upriver from Memorial Bridge, PLEASE BE POLITE and shout "good morning!" at them followed by "would you please slow down. This is a no-wake zone!" For coaches throwing up a massive wake, just shouting "hey coach, mind your wake, please!" works pretty well. Let's endeavor to support safe boating with kind corrections and set a great example on the river!


Please contact the Float Captain or First Lieutenant  if you have any questions or concerns about the above information.